Downloading plugins from My Account

After purchasing a plugin from, you can access and download the latest version by logging into My Account.

To login to My Account, visit and enter the username (or email address) and password you created when purchasing your plugin(s).

Once logged in, you can easily download your purchased plugins.  Detailed steps and screenshots for how to download plugins and view license keys can be found in this help doc: Where Can I Download My Plugin?

Installing a WC Autoship plugin for the first time?

Please refer to our Install and Activate help doc.

Updating to a new plugin version by uploading a new plugin

Some site administrators may need to download the latest version of a plugin in order to update to the latest version. If this is the case, you'll want to follow these steps carefully:

  1. Create a backup of your site that you can quickly restore if you experience any issues in updating
  2. Download the latest version of the plugin from
  3. Log into your site as an administrator and visit WP-Admin > Plugins
  4. Locate the plugin you want to update to the latest version and click "Deactivate"
  5. After deactivating the plugin, "Delete" the plugin
    1. Note: this is safe to do when you are uploading a new version of the same plugin and does not remove the data your plugin uses
  6. Upload the latest version of the plugin
  7. "Activate" the plugin
  8. Confirm the new plugin version is active and working on your site.

If you experience an issue updating your plugin, restore your site's backup and contact support.

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